The Story Of Anvil

Anvil have been around forever... They were once among the top metal bands in the early eighties and then just kind of slipped into obscurity only to be remembered for Metal On Metal.
Anvil: The Story Of Anvil screened last year at Hot Docs in Toronto and Sundance, I saw it at Canadian Music Week last month and now it's had premieres in New York and LA.

There's not much I can say that hasn't been in some of the other reviews out there... When you see it you really do feel for a band that has worked so hard and just haven't been able to break through and get back into the world scene again. Well, looking at the pictures from the L.A. premiere it looks like they'll definitely be getting lots of attention... hopefully it'll get them back into the metal world and give them a little more recognition for their contribution to that scene.

Either way, it's a great movie... unintentionally hilarious and surprisingly touching. Go see it.

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