Exciting things...

So, Tindersticks are touring in North America and are going to make me very happy in March since I'll be seeing them in Montreal and Toronto. They're a band that I slowly grew to love and now can't find wrong in anything they do... I kind of figured that I'd never get to see them live and was thinking about flying to London to see them when they were playing all of II at ATP. That didn't pan out and I'm already setting my expectations ridiculously high for the shows. The Montreal show could be extra fun since there's a good chance Lhasa De Sela will make an appearance, I know she did when Stuart Staples was touring solo. Anyway, here's some good stuff from them... there's been a fair bit peppered throughout this blog in the past too if you go digging.
Tiny Tears (BBC Session)
A Sweet, Sweet Man
No More Affairs (Instrumental)

Heartless Bastards have a new album called The Mountain coming out next Tuesday (feb 3rd). I'm looking forward to this though I'm not too happy that they're not coming to Toronto on the first run of touring for their album... Here's the title track that leaves me wanting to hear the rest of the album right now. The Mountain

And here's some other goodies that put a smile on my face...
Mickey & Sylvia - Dearest
The Night Marchers - Who's Lady R U
Mark Eitzel - No Easy Way Down

And this is insane... thanks for turning me onto this sweet girl Dave.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Damn. No Vancouver date. No Seattle date, even.